John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Michele Bachmann and others, have exclaimed that their primary goal is to insure that Barack Obama be a one term president. I have several strategies they might employ to accomplish that stated goal.
Encourage state governors to not accept stimulus dollars.
Insist that Obama should have permitted free market forces, the essence of the American way, to have allowed the auto industry to implode.
Do whatever they can to make it difficult for the poor, the young and the disabled to vote in the next election. In the last election those groups voted overwhelmingly for Obama. They can achieve those objectives by shortening the time allowed for early voting, require new forms of voter ID and decrease the number of voting stations.
Resist closing tax loop-holes, and under no circumstance reinstate pre-Bush-era tax rates. Both those moves would help reduce the deficit by billions of dollars but in so doing would take the pressure off of having to make drastic cuts in Medicare, Medicaid, education, research and investments in infrastructure.
Resist allowing Obama to pass legislation that would please Latino voters...such as significant immigration reform and the Dream Act.
You say they’re already doing those things?