Thursday, December 9, 2010
I am dismayed by the inaccuracies and deliberate disinformation promulgated by both liberal and conservative television commentators and their so called expert guests. I believe, as well as most Americans, that extending the Bush high-end tax cuts (to those earning over $200,000 for individuals and $250,000 for couples) is a mistake. But it will not cost $900 billion over two years as I have heard Congressman and Senators repeatedly say. "The Center for American Progress" estimates the cost of extending the tax cut for wealthy Americans is $80 billion over two years. It's still a lot of money and would be better spent on job stimulating projects such as desperately needed infrastructure investments. But it's not as daunting as $900 billion. Obama's compromise, although a bitter pill, recognizes that the Republican Senate will vote as a block to preserve tax cuts for the rich. And that stretching out the argument throughout the rest of the lame-duck session will eliminate or at least endanger extending unemployment insurance, accomplishing repeal of "Don't Ask Don't Tell," approving the "Start Treaty" and passing the "Dream Act." Democrats should cease calling for a pyrrhic victory and approve the compromise and move on to the address other issues important to all, human rights and our national security.
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